Proud to present satisfied customers
For 75 years, we have been committed to our customers with the goal of always creating a good and long-term relationship. We always work towards making our customers satisfied with us and our products. This is our driving force at PODAB.
Therefore, we conduct an NKI survey each year to get answers to important questions such as our strengths and weaknesses, how our customers perceive us and how we can improve and develop different areas.
On a 5-degree scale, we received a record high average of 4.40 in total customer satisfaction in 2019. A result that we are very proud of and that shows that we are doing the right things.
"Satisfied customers are the best proof that we deliver carefree laundry rooms!" - Jimmy Nilsson, CEO of PODAB.
If you have any comments on what we could do to get even better, please feel free to email us at