Welcome to PODAB

PODAB is a family-owned company with a long history and extensive experience in professional laundry equipment. Since 1945, we have supplied laundry facilities with high-quality products, including washing machines, tumble dryers, drying cabinets, drying room equipment, ironers, and accessories. Today, we offer our drying cabinets worldwide, providing businesses with a top-quality solution for their commercial and professional laundry needs.

As pioneers in the industry, we have been at the forefront of technological advancements in commercial laundry solutions, continuously introducing innovative solutions to meet market demands.

Since our founding in Gothenburg, Sweden, we have expanded both nationally and internationally, with offices in Stockholm and an international office in Florida, USA, marking our growing global presence.

With decades of experience, we take pride in being a leading force in the development of innovative, energy-efficient, and user-friendly laundry solutions for professional users worldwide.

Our vision and business idea


To deliver innovative and reliable solutions for professional textile and PPE drying.

Business idea

Leveraging specialized expertise and a strong commitment to service, we provide comprehensive solutions for professional textile and PPE drying.

Professional laundry solutions

Our core values


Rooted in our family oriented Swedish legacy, we listen to our customers’ different needs and deliver custom-made solutions.  


With our vast experience and knowledge, we strive to always be competent and provide high-quality solutions and products.  


We always want to be at the forefront and provide innovative, sustainable solutions and products. 


Our journey so far

PODABs history for the past 80 years